How would you express your life journey, right now, in 2021?
Do you feel like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole or a sailor on rough seas with storm clouds gathering on the horizon? Maybe you feel like a crusader on a quest for knowledge or someone who’s fighting for a higher cause. Some people may find themselves identifying with Dorothy as she hears “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”.
Humanity has entered an era of upheaval, uncertainty and change. This is a time of transformation, bringing inevitable crises, obstacles and opportunities. Lynne Wakeham and her partner Glyn Owen from Adventures of Awakening muse:
“Perhaps - like the caterpillar - we have entered the ‘lockdown’, constricted and alchemical phase of the cocoon. If so, hold onto your hats because this promises to be a wild ride as existing systems, beliefs and structures unravel and re-shape. With this, maybe, comes an invitation to awaken to the magical adventure of life and our role as co-creators of a world we want to see and leave as our legacy.”
If this calls to you, Lynne & Glyn invite you to explore the transformational potential of combining the Law of Attraction with the Sacred Journey of walking a Labyrinth. They promise “a fun, intriguing and creative way to assist with finding solutions, insights, inner connection and wellbeing to better embrace the challenges and opportunities of these times.”
Torquay-based Adventures of Awakening is offering “escape days with a mystical twist” for individuals and small groups seeking time out with support to think, refresh and renew.
Are there questions calling to you to explore within the Labyrinth? Maybe anxieties, the meaning behind world events, relationships, purpose, fresh opportunities or current life challenges.
Whatever they are, we look forward to hearing your awakening story.