Adventures of Awakening
With a twist of the mystical !
Adventures of Awakening
With a twist of the mystical !
With a twist of the mystical !
With a twist of the mystical !
Join us on -Thursday 10th October at 7:30 pm as we launch a NEW SEASON of events : A JOURNEY TO NEW EARTH
Check out this article by Kate the Wellbeing Editor of Re-Connect Magazine as she explores a mystical quest through Totnes Town on a rainy January day.
Up is down and down is up ... "who in the world am I ?'Ah, now that's the great puzzle !"
" Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" ... said the Wizard .
Might the cave you fear to enter hold the treasure that you seek?
Perhaps - like the caterpillar - we have entered the ‘lockdown’, constricted and alchemical phase of the cocoon. If so, hold onto your hats because this promises to be a wild ride as existing systems, beliefs and structures unravel and re-shape.
With this, perhaps, comes an invitation to awaken to the magical adventure of life and our role as co-creators of a world we want to see and leave as our legacy.
Many people seem to be experiencing an ' AWAKENING ' of sorts.
Perhaps through REVELATIONS about health, relationship dynamics or the seemingly 'lock step' agendas of big business, international governments, media, big tech. censorship, loss of personal freedoms and the changing social & economic contracts promised by much talk of a 'reset'.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE ... Many people are sensing this personal and collective shift and are now seeking new insight, fresh purpose & direction linked-up to a community of open, like minds. Is this the beginning of a new adventure ?
Step out of the madness and drama to reconnect, refresh and find new perspectives about the challenges and opportunities showing up in your life.
Join a small group of friendly, like minded people to explore the happenings of these times and discover how we may best respond with fresh meaning and purpose.
There are two ways to live life said Albert Einstein ... "One as if nothing is a miracle, the other as if everything is a miracle."
How are you and others in your life relating to these turbulent times of uncertainty, upheaval and polarisation ?
Do you sense the magic and majesty of these times ?
As the old ways pass and the new seeks to emerge. Perhaps you are excited about the prospects of creating a more conscious new world or frozen by the familiarity, fear and discomfort of first seeing, then letting go of old patterns and past ways of being ? Or like many of us being tossed and turned by the ebb and flow of the stormy seas of life in the 2020's.
Together Lynne & Glyn offer almost 50 years of insights and experience about tools and techniques for living through times of uncertainty, upheaval and transformation. They combine two powerful themes the Law of Attraction with Sacred Journey.